Regeneration Medicine


Why Regeneration? We are trying to help the body’s inherent mechanism to heal itself by supplementing It the external Aid like bone marrow, derived Progenitor Cells stromal, vascular Factor, blood-derived Progenitor Cells so these are all comprised of mesenchymal Progenitor Cells. So we have all the technology to drive the Progenitor Cells through the various components of the body fluids and then IV need Particular baby supplement the bodies with the micronutrients and the trace elements and all the required supplements. The, which are not, you know, in the body or we require an extra help from outside is been given through the regenerative medicine.

Why Regeneration?

We are trying to help the body’s inherent mechanism to heal itself by supplementing It the external Aid like bone marrow, derived Progenitor Cells stromal, vascular Factor, blood-derived Progenitor Cells so these are all comprised of mesenchymal Progenitor Cells. So we have all the technology to drive the Progenitor Cells through the various components of the body fluids and then IV need Particular baby supplement the bodies with the micronutrients and the trace elements and all the required supplements.

The, which are not, you know, in the body or we require an extra help from outside is been given through the regenerative medicine, which gives an ace up our to the body to heal itself and AIDS in the process of healing. So from regeneration medicine is used from hair growth to skin Rejuvenation to intra-articular for cartilage regeneration in the cases of osteoarthritis to intra organ Progenitor Cells-like.

For, in the cases of hepatic diseases, many various gynecological applications like intra, ovarian Progenitor Cells transplantation. So, all such cases, where the body’s inherent capability is being tickled through the external help is where regenration Medicine comes into play. And I think that should be the initial step in treating every disease. Every trauma, every problem in the body that the first first chance should begiven to the body by supplementing, it with the aids It requires the armors. It requires the armamentarium like Progenitor Cells like nutraceuticals like Trace elements micronutrients. You know, calcium vitamin C glutathione with you on and so on and so forth. So you inherently help yourself into healing yourself.

So So your fizzy hair, you’re dealing with your hair problems. You give the nutrition inside of you, not only via scalp but through IV. So then your body is inherently able to help itself in the skin Rejuvenation immune booster cancer IV, nutraceutical. So there are multiple applications in the cancer, there is always a cancer cachexia. The patient is not able to take in just anything through mouth because the medications are nauosseous. The there is a problem of, you know, vomiting and nausea. So, Having the right nutrients is very important. So that’s what I will use cuticle, comes into play for the young adults like us who appeared, who look, apparently healthy.

We are apparently healthy. But the moment we go and test ourselves will find that we have the vitamin B12 deficiency, we have the Calcium deficiency, we have the vitamin D. Deficiencies are all those micronutrients deficiency. Play a role in The Way We lead our life. You know we feel fatigued, we feel depressed, we feel low energy. So all of those things can become better By regenerative medicines and there is a there is a diving nutraceutical. So for the Apparently healthy like us, you take a setting of, you know, the appropriate micronutrients that has been curated after particularly testing and subjective icing the entire plan for your own body. So there are different plans under regenerative medicines like you know and as I told you earlier like immune-boosting, skin Rejuvenation, head Rejuvenation cancer, nutraceutical IV, nutraceutical for various deficiencies, you know, so all of these things. So first step, I will intra-articular Progenitor Cells so there are multiple applications and we put forth a regenerative medicine as the first step into Healing your own body by supplementing, your own body with the armamentarium. It requires to fight within itself.