
Post Surgery Care Tips | Purple Heron Hospitals

Recovery after surgery is one of the few things which, if taken lightly, can take you back to the surgery board. As a process too, surgery and the time you take to recover through it can drain a lot of energy from you.

As far as the recovery time is concerned, it varies from person to person, and how quickly their body starts adapting to life after surgery.

There are multiple factors that can impact the timeline for your healing, including the kind of surgery you went for, your health from an overall perspective, people who are behind you for support, and how much you are motivated to recover. Your activities at the time of recovering after the surgery can either speed up the recuperation or slow it down.

In this post, we will offer a few tips on what you should do, and what you should not do to ensure the right recovery after surgery . It gives you answers to everything you can do to take care and wade through the post-surgery pain and how soon you can resume your normal activities.

Top Recovery After Surgery Tips

How to heal stitches faster after surgery? What to eat after surgery to heal faster?

These are a couple of many questions that are obvious to pop in your mind when it comes to post-surgery care.

Here are a few tips that you should do to ensure a proper recovery after your surgery:

Take Extra Care to Keep Infections Away

Preventing infection is the best way to ensure that your surgery brings the best outcome for you as soon as possible. For instance, keeping your hand away from the incision, or washing it before touching it, if need be, is a pretty simple thing that you can do.

While infection in the surgical area is rare, 30 days is the timeline within which it can occur. So, it’s recommended that you ask your surgeon about what you can do to ensure that your skin stays away from the risk of getting an infection.

Never Miss Your Follow-Up Appointments

After getting done with your surgery, follow-up visits are common, and are recommended for two to six weeks after their surgery.

While the two-week follow-up will involve the surgeon removing any stitches to ensure that the stitches have healed properly, the sixth-week visit, the incision will mostly be healed. In case that doesn’t happen, there might be the need for another follow-up.

Value and Care For Your Incision Properly

A lot of people go too far away to take too much care of their incision, keeping it clean. They try to scrub the area so that there are not any chances of infection. Some even go to the lengths of using peroxide or alcohol as well.

Don’t do this!

Unless your surgeon has specifically instructed you, a gentle soap and water wash will work just fine to ensure that your incision is taken care of. There are many surgeons who recommend taking showers instead of long baths, and even advise to not go swimming during the early days of post-surgery. You can check with your surgeon in case there is something else to look after.

Keep a Proper Diet

One of the most pressing questions is: what to eat after surgery to heal faster?
While losing appetite is an obvious thing after surgery, feeling constipated or nauseated are also a couple of pretty common feelings.

It’s important to understand that staying properly hydrated and following a healthy diet after your surgery promotes healing and also reduces the chances of any complications during the process. Following something as simple as drinking water quickly after your surgery can reduce the impact of anaesthesia too.

Protein plays an important role in facilitating tissue healing and repair. A number of other nutrients are also crucial, such as:

●   Minerals like selenium, zinc, and copper
●   Antioxidants like Vitamins A, C, and E
●   Omega-3 fatty acids
●   Vitamin D

Even if you are struggling with appetite, you can consider eating supplements and high-protein shakes.

Keep Your Pain in Control

Managing your pain and keeping it in check is crucial after your surgery. Despite that, a lot of people hesitate in taking the prescribed medicines post their surgery. Not taking care of your pain can lead to serious complications later on. For instance, too much coughing after your surgery can lead to pneumonia.

Modulating your pain during the recovery process is crucial so that you can recover according to the expected timeline.

What Not to Do After Surgery?

While the tips we mentioned above help you to recover quickly, here are also a few things that you should not be doing at all:

Overdo Things

Trying to do too much too soon after your surgery can take you back by quite a lot. It’s important to follow the instructions of your surgeon, and take timelines very seriously in the process too.

Other than that, listen to what your body has to say. Fatigue and pain are signals that tell your body to slow things down a notch!

Forget Your Medicines

Antibiotics, blood thinners, or other medication are a few medical items that you need to take. That’s where it’s important to ensure that the medicines offer you the right impact.

You can’t forget them, and it’s recommended that you keep a log so that it helps you keep a proper track of your prescriptions.


As far as post-surgery tips are concerned, following the instructions by your healthcare provider is absolutely crucial for a proper recovery. Other steps also are also pretty important, and you should maintain a balance for the perfect recovery post surgery.

At Purple Heron, you get an expert and professional team of surgeons that offer you the best guidance and recommendations, not just for your surgery, but ensuring proper recovery as well.


What is Microsurgery and its Types

What is Microsurgery?

In terms of a definition, microsurgery refers to the medical procedure that requires a microscope to be administered effectively for viewing and operating on it. Such body parts can be tissues, blood vessels, nerves, and tubes.

Microsurgery procedures are typically performed on areas like the nose, throat, and ear as they have delicate structures, and opening them up for regular surgery doesn’t seem a prudent option. The procedure, involving the use of an operating room microscope, isn’t a first preferred choice for the treatment of reconstructive issues.

However, it’s used to take care of complex issues in place of other issues such as skin grafting, primary closure, or regional and local flap transfer.

Types of Microsurgery Procedures

There are multiple surgical procedures when it comes to microsurgery. Have a look:

●   Head and neck reconstruction with free tissue transfer
●   Breast reconstruction with free tissue transfer
●   Complex wound reconstruction
●   Vascularized bone flap transfer
●   Toe transplantation
●   Lymphatic reconstruction
●   Digit replantation
●   Nerve repair and grafting

What does Microsurgery Take Care of?

With a microsurgery procedure, you can expect to get treated from:

01. Effects of cancer
02. Physical trauma or wounds
03. Birth abnormalities

The need for microsurgery can also arise if you’re looking to:

01. Get an amputated body part reattached to your body (limb preservation)
02. Reconstruct microscopic regions of your body such as nerves and blood vessels.
03. Rebuild those areas of the body that went through trauma or surgery.

It’s important to understand that microsurgery is an option that’s available when other traditional ways of surgery aren’t as effective.

What Different Instruments are Used in Microsurgery?

Each instrument is specifically designed to be used in microsurgery, given the complex nature of its treatment. These instruments are more than capable of going through complex microscopic regions in the body, aiding the surgeons to do their work effectively and deliver the best results.

Some of the instruments used in microsurgery are given below:

●   Needle holders
●   Forceps
●   Scissors
●   Irrigators
●   Clamp applicators
●   Standard tools for surgery
●   Vessel dilators
●   Vascular clamps to regulate bleeding
●   Special needles and threads

Microsurgery Procedure Details

Before Microsurgery

Before undergoing a microsurgery procedure, you’ll be meeting a surgeon for the first consultation. In this meeting, a surgeon learns and gathers important information about you and your health, and tries to understand the expectations you have from the microsurgery procedure.

The surgeons might also click photographs of the regions on which they’ll be supposed to work, so that they can compare the before and after treatment appearance of the affected areas.

This meeting will also involve your surgeon discussing about the potential risks and effects involved with the surgery, updating you about the steps you’ll be needing to take to ensure proper care, as well as discuss the follow-up procedures with you.

For any queries that you might have about the microsurgery procedure, this meeting is the perfect time to get them sorted.

During Microsurgery

A typical microsurgery procedure will involve you being put to ‘sleep’ by administering a general anesthesia, so that you don’t feel any pain when the procedure gets underway. A microsurgery procedure takes place at the hospital, where your surgeon will be present.

Each microsurgery procedure is different, depending largely on what the surgeon is supposed to do. For instance, if you’re undergoing a tissue transfer, then your surgeon is going to remove a healthy portion from the donor site on your body. The new tissue is then reattached to the new area by making an incision as well as reattaching the blood vessels there by using a microscope. Once the tissue transfer procedure is completed, the surgeon closes the incisions with removable stitches or dissolvable sutures.

After Microsurgery

The course of treatment after getting a microsurgery done depends upon the type of microsurgery you elected to get the treatment for. If you went for a flap reconstruction, for instance, your team will be monitoring your flap diligently to ensure that your newly connected blood vessels are working in a proper manner. That’s because the first 24 hours are critical to monitor the blood vessels after the surgery is completed.

What are the Benefits of Microsurgery?

The biggest benefit of microsurgery is that it restores the normal functioning of the affected region in the body.

Other benefits include:

01. Cleaner and smaller incisions
02. Minimal tissue handling
03. Lesser haemorrhage (bleeding)

All these benefits lead to faster healing from the surgery, and a highly satisfying outcome.

Potential Risks with Microsurgery

Despite the benefits it offers, there are a few potential risks associated with microsurgery. They are:

01. Bleeding
02. Numbness
03. Pain, infection, and swelling
04. Tissue loss
05. Scarring
06. Requirement of more surgeries

How to Prepare for Microsurgery?

Before heading over for microsurgery, you might be asked to undergo lab testing or a medical evaluation, consume some medicines, and undergo some lifestyle habits such as stopping the consumption of alcohol, smoking, and stop with anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, as they could lead to increased bleeding.

Recovery From Microsurgery

The amount of time you’ll need to recover from the microsurgery procedure depends largely on the type of surgery you’ll be undergoing. Based on that, your surgeon will discuss the estimated recovery time for you.

Other than recovery, what’s also important is to note that despite its multiple benefits and advantages, the success rate for surgery and the impact of its outcome varies from person to person, for which the best information can be offered to you by your surgeon.

In case you see any visible side effects after your surgery, such as bleeding, pain or swelling, you need to consult your surgeon back again, immediately.

The symptoms for this emergency visit include, but are not limited to:

01. Irregular heartbeat
02. Chest pain
03. Trouble in breathing

Consult the Right Experts for Your Microsurgery Requirements

If you’ve decided to get a microsurgery procedure done, then the experts can help out. The surgeons are backed with years of professional experience, delivering immaculate surgical treatments and procedures spanning across all regions in the body.

Schedule your first consultation!

also read our blog on “How Does Minimally Invasive Microsurgery Work?


How Does Minimally Invasive Microsurgery Work?

Recovery time is one of the most time consuming aspects right after a surgery.

Take the instance of a spine surgery a few years back. It often involved making large, deep incisions to open up the region of the spine where the surgeon was supposed to perform surgery. The dependency of surgeons for such an exposed region was a pretty normal thing back then.

This spine surgery came at a cost too.

The large and deep incisions meant a lot of damage to the healthy tissues.The fact that muscle tissues take their own sweet time in healing is another add-on, taking much longer than the original structure recovery. Apart from all of that, larger incisions also carry the risk of getting infected as well.

This is where microscopic surgery, or minimally invasive microsurgery has been changing the surgery scene for quite a while now.

What is Minimally Invasive Microsurgery?

Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) is a surgery approach that is aimed at minimizing the number of cuts or incisions in your skin and tissues. Today, surgeons use these MIS techniques to ensure minimal trauma during the surgical procedure.

With smaller incisions, there is less potential of your treatment being painful, surgery complications, as well as time taken for the recovery. Today, a lot of healthcare providers perform many common procedures using these MIS techniques.

Why is Minimally Invasive Surgery Performed?

MIS came around during the 1980s, providing a safe way to practice surgery for many people. Since the last two decades, it has become the preferred choice for surgeons over open surgery.

MInimally Invasive Surgery cuts down the need for staying at the hospital for a long time after surgery, while also taking away the chance to make larger cuts in the body.

How Does Minimally Invasive Microsurgery Work?

In the case of a spinal surgery, no natural opening leads to accessing the spinal structures. This is where Miminally Invasive Microsurgery comes into play, depending on little incisions in the skin to gain access to the spine.

Using the Tubular Retractor

The tubular retractor makes it possible to push muscle, rather than cut it, simplifying the surgery and reducing the recovery time. It provides a way to dilate the muscles in the concerned region, allowing cameras with the access to the affected area through a very small incision in the skin.

Stabilization Placements

Surgery stabilization is a process through which some procedures are facilitated where screws and rods are used to hold the spinal cord bones in place while they are healing. They are placed through the skin with minimal incisions.

Lateral Access

There are a few ways to approach the spine surgery without hampering direct areas of the back. In some conditions, this access can be from the side as well, where the muscle cover is comparatively limited. At Purple Heron, the experts can make use of a retractor to gain access to the vertebral sides, which is the preferred position for some of the surgical procedures.
In the lateral approach, the entry is done through the chest by making multiple small incisions for support to the camera and other required tools for surgery.

What are the Types of Minimally Invasive Surgery?

Let’s have a look at the different types of minimally invasive surgery below:

Keyhole Surgery

Keyhole Surgery image
Most of the minimally invasive surgery procedures make use of small, keyhole-like incisions in the skin to serve as entry ports for treating the concerned body areas. Depending on the affected region and the kind of treatment needed, these incisions can be half-inch long or less. One keyhole acts as the entry point for an endoscope, which is a short tube with a camera to project the feed on the screen during treatment. Surgeons do their work from the other port, by referring to this feed.

Endovascular Surgery

Endovascular Surgery image
This type of surgery involves the use of a catheter through the blood vessel and performing the operation through it. Just one little incision is enough to access the blood vessel. In most of the cases today, surgeons just need to puncture the skin with a needle and not cut across the blood vessel in the first place. This is done so as to minimize the bleeding.
Over a guiding wire, surgeons mount the catheter and then remove this wire after they have passed all the required instruments for operation.

Robotic Surgery

Robotic Surgery image
This is a highly advanced form of minimal surgery procedure where robotic arms are used to operate through small incisions. A trained surgeons performs the surgery through robotic arms by controlling them through a digital console in the operation theatre.
Robots allow for better accuracy as well as control in the affected areas.

Endoscopic Surgery

Endoscopic Surgery image
There are some endoscopes that can be easily entered into your body through an existing opening, like the nose or mouth. Surgeons can then make use of them through long and narrow tools without cutting your skin. This process is known as natural orifice endoscopy.

What are the Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery?

With small incisions, the scars from surgery tend to be pretty easy to control and remove. The added advantages of minimally invasive surgery are:

●   Reduced pain after the surgery has been administered, making the recovery a comparatively easier process than a traditional surgery.
●   Large, open areas make it tough to control the spread of infection. With small incisions, this risk of infection is reduced manifold.
●   If there’s a lot of pain, the number of prescription medicines also increase. MIS reduces the dependency on these drugs to ease the pain, as the pain is reduced due to these little incisions.
●   Each incision is made with pinpoint accuracy, which is why there is little to no damage in store for healthy muscle tissue in any way.
●   With minimal damage to the skin and tissue, the recovery time after a minimal invasive microsurgery process is greatly reduced.
●   Sometimes, traditional surgery aftermath involves pain in the affected as well as surrounding regions, bringing a need for physical therapy to the fore. That’s not the case with minimal invasive surgery.

When we talk about spinal microsurgery, the technology is still in its initial stages, and not all kinds of spinal treatments are possible with it at the moment.

Final Note from Purple Heron

From rehab medication to highly advanced surgical procedures, the expert surgeons at Purple Heron offer surgical procedures that are a class apart and as painless as they can be. With minimal exposure to skin muscles, the hassle is greatly reduced, not to mention the surgical trauma as well.

Book your consultation with Purple Heron and get a highly detailed plan to approach your surgery in the most professional and manageable way.


Exercises for Neck Problems

Having a set of strong and flexible muscles and joints is the best way to avoid any serious injury or strain. While this applies to all body organs, things become more crucial when it comes to the neck.

When the neck, upper back muscles, and chest muscles become tight or weak, your shoulders can become a little rounded, making your head tilt forward than how it normally should be. As a result, this poor posture leads to added stress on your spine’s joints as well as the vertebrae discs, including the muscles and ligaments.

To add to it, poor posture with the head too far than it should be can lead to chronic neck pain that can also lead to stiff joints, pain in the shoulder blade, and recurring headaches. The best remedy to ease neck pain is ensuring its consistent movement, and taking breaks from that computer screen.

Fortunately, there are multiple neck pain exercises at home that can help you relieve pressure on your neck and its surrounding areas, easing your neck pain.

What are the Different Types of Neck Pain?

As an overview, the following are the main types of neck pain:

Neck pain with headache image
Neck pain with headache, where the pain is accompanied by a throbbing headache at the back side of the head.
Neck pain with mobility defects image
Neck pain with mobility defects, where the neck gets stiff due to sleeping in an incorrect position or lifting heavy weights.
Neck pains with radiating pains image
Neck pains with radiating pains, which occur due to a herniated disc, or a cervical nerve compression.

Can Neck Strengthening Exercises Help with Pain?

Of course, neck strengthening exercises help a lot with pain in most cases, but it also depends on the cause of the pain. If the pain is the aftermath of some injury, then you might want to consult a doctor first before proceeding with your regime.

Neck pain can tend to be pretty uncomfortable and become a hurdle in different activities, and depending on its severity, it can also spread to other areas such as shoulders or arms. As far as treatments go, neck exercises are aimed at reducing the pain by:

●   Increasing joint movements for better motion
●   Increasing strength through posture improvement
●   Boosting flexibility in the muscles
●   Cutting down the neural tension

Exercises to Ease Neck Pain and Problems

We have divided exercises for cervical pain in the neck and shoulder into the following categories:

01. Muscle tension
02. Boosting postural muscles

Exercises to Reduce Muscle Tension

Properly stretching the neck can help you relieve the tension and improve its mobility.

Here are a few exercises that are great for easing neck pain by reducing muscle tension:

Neck Rotation

Neck Rotation image
  • ●  With a neutral neck position, rotate your head gradually to the left, giving the impression as if you’re looking over your shoulder.
  • ●  Hold your position for a moment before turning your head back in the center.
  • ●  Repeat the same on the right side.

Shoulder Roll

Shoulder Roll image
  • ●  Begin by keeping your head and neck in a neutral position.
  • ●  Lift both your shoulders in such a manner that your head and neck are not moving.
  • ●  In a circular motion, move your shoulders forward and squeeze your shoulder blades together, releasing them and pushing them forward.
  • ●  Now, repeat the same movement in the opposite direction as well.

Forward Bends

Forward Bends image
  • ●  Lower your head a bit forward, towards your chest, and hold that position for a moment.
  • ●  Gradually, move your head upwards then to a more neutral position.
  • ●  Go through this motion multiple times.

Seat Twists

Seat Twists image
  • ●  Get yourself seated on a chair with your back in a straight posture.
  • ●  Put your left hand on your right knee and turn your upper body slowly towards the back, as if you’re looking behind at someone.
  • ●  Return yourself to the center gradually.
  • ●  Repeat the same twist now by keeping your right hand on your left knee.

Exercises to Reduce Muscle Tension

Posture muscles, that is, the muscles in your back, neck, and shoulders, might improve your neck pain recovery to help prevent injuries in the future.

The exercises include:

Head Lifts

Head Lifts Image
  • ●  Lie flat on your back. Then, stretch your arms to the sides of your body.
  • ●  Tuck in your chin with a nodding movement.
  • ●  Hold the pose for a few seconds before releasing it back to its neutral position.
  • ●  Repeat the same motions multiple times.

Overhead Seated Presses

Overhead Seated Presses Image
  • ●  Sit on a chair or a bench with grip weights in each hand, keeping it level with your shoulders.
  • ●  Push the weights towards an upward direction, while also extending your arms overhead.
  • ●  Get the weights back to your shoulder sides before repeating the same motion.

Lateral Raise

Lateral Raise Image
  • ●  Stand with your feet apart, aligned with the width of your shoulder, and hold a weight in each hand.
  • ●  With your body kept still, move your arms in an outward direction till they get level with your shoulders.
  • ●  Gradually, lower your arms back to the side and repeat the same motion.

Other Remedies to Relieve Neck Pain

As far as muscle strains in the neck are concerned, poor posture is one of the biggest causes of this discomfort.

Using a computer or phone while staying seated for long hours can lead to a forward head posture, where the head comes out a bit from the spine due to this posture. It triggers symptoms such as dull pain across the sides or the back, which might also spread to the head, shoulder, or upper back.

Adjusting the posture can lead to a reduction in pain in the neck, head, and shoulder regions.

In such cases where the neck pain hampers you, there are a few remedies other than exercises that could help you ease the pain:

●   Taking some anti-inflammatory medicines
●   Application of heat or ice packs on the affected areas
●   Using support for the neck such as a neck brace
●   Giving proper rest to the neck to avoid excessive strain


From a range of different causes, neck pain is a common issue in everyday life today. With proper treatment, this neck pain can be easily treated, completely. If you’re looking to get your neck pain completely taken care of, then Purple Heron Hospitals can help out.

With a superlative amount of experience, you’re going to be in the safest hands with their surgeons. You can connect with them for neck pain treatment!


Demystifying Skin Graft Procedures and Understanding Recovery Process Post Surgery

When it comes to treatment post any burn injury, skin grafting rises as a very crucial aspect of the treatment. Ths procedure offers hope for those who are recovering from severe burn injuries. At Purple Heron, the best hospital for burn in Rajasthan, we recognize that procedures such as skin graft ,might have several concerns associated with it; however we find it our duty to demystify this procedure and offer clarity to our patients.


To explain this procedure, it involves taking healthy skin tissue from the part of the body usually known as the donor site and transplanting it to the injured or burnt skin area usually known as the recipient area. This procedure is done to cover the damaged tissue and promote healing. This also improves function and appearance.


At Purple Heron, under the guidance of finest microsurgeons and doctors, we follow a thorough assessment which helps us understand and determine the kind of treatment process that our patient requires. This ensures that we offer the most suitable skin graft to our patient. There are different kinds of skin grafts like split thickness grafts which include removal of the skin’s top most layer. Another kind of skin graft is full thickness grafts which involves taking deeper layers of skin.


During the process of skin grafting, the donor skin is harvested with precision and prepared for transplantation onto the recipient site. Our best micro surgeon doctors in Jaipur ensure that the process is done with utmost care, precision, and accuracy. This maximises the graft success rate and reduces any scarring.


The recovery process after a skin graft procedure requires a lot of patience and care. At Purple Heron, our dedicated and highly compassionate team provides all round post operative care including wound monitoring, rehabilitation, as well as pain management. In our holistic approach to care, we also provide emotional support through counselling, encouragement, as well as empathy every step of the way.


At Purple Heron,  the best hospital for burn in Rajasthan, we empower our patients and enable them a speedy recovery after skin graft. We as a team work together to achieve optimal patient outcomes while restoring hope and vitality in patient’s lives.



Innovations in Surgical Care Driving Better Patient Outcomes @ Purple Heron Hospital

As the pioneers of microsurgery in India, we are dedicated to introducing all the high end technologies and tools introduced in healthcare to maximise patient outcomes. We, the best plastic surgery hospital in Jaipur integrate cutting edge technologies with our expertise and experience to offer best possible outcomes to our patients.

One of the most crucial advancements in medical science that drives better patient outcomes is definitely the minimally invasive surgical techniques. These procedures include specialised tools and smaller incisions. This reduces the down time along with minimal pain and reduced scarring. These surgeries minimise tissue damage and trauma during the surgery. These techniques enhance outcomes and promote quicker healing.

Apart from minimally invasive approaches, Hera & Hebe’s best  plastic surgeon in Jaipur  also utilises high end imaging technology which improves surgical precision. These high definition surgical techniques allow surgeons to visualise internal structures with exceptional clarity enabling them to perform surgeries with accuracy and confidence. This enhances the effectiveness as well as minimises risks.

Moving on, Hera & Hebe has the best team of surgeons and healthcare providers who work collaboratively to ensure finest patient care and treatment throughout the journey. Our team under the guidance of Dr. Aayushi Choudhary and Dr. Nitesh Lamoria offers comprehensive care from pre operative assessment to post operative rehabilitation. We as a team prioritise utmost safety, comfort, as well as satisfaction of our patients every stage of the treatment.

At Purple Heron, we are committed to embracing a patient centric approach utilising innovation and advanced technologies. We as a team continue to set high standards in surgical care. We are committed to excellence and our passion for high end healthcare drives us to explore and implement diverse healthcare advancements in the field. We work to ensure that our patients receive the best care and treatment possible.


At Purple Heron, the best  plastic surgery hospital in Jaipur,  we are not just offering surgical care services but also helping patients transform their lives for the better. We are on a mission to transform the face of healthcare by delivering exceptional outcomes and empowering our patients to live their best

Specialized Neurosurgical Treatments with Advanced Imaging Technology at Purple Heron Hospital

It is crucial to understand that in cases of neurosurgery, precision and accuracy plays a very significant role and could not be compromised. Thus, for most accuracy in intricate procedures, Purple Heron, the best neurology hospital in Jaipur is equipped with cutting edge tools and technologies that ensure absolute precision during the treatments resulting in optimal patient outcomes. We as a team are definitely empowered by our top notch technologies and tools that offer insights on the inner workings of the brain and spine. This was once impossible but with the right tools, it is now possible. So now let’s dig deeper into the role of advanced imaging technology into medical science and understand its unparalleled role in the field of neurosurgery.

Peering Inside the Brain with MRI and CT Scans

The two of the most crucial imaging technologies in the field of neurosurgery are indeed the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the computed tomography (CT) scans. These two advanced imaging technologies are non-invasive that provide a detailed three dimensional view of the brain as well as the spinal cord. These kinds of technologies allow neurosurgeons to visualize tumours, abnormalities as well as structural changes in the brain with better clarity and accuracy. MRIs and CT scans serve as a cornerstone of modern neurosurgical medicine by enabling surgeons in diagnosing conditions like brain tumours and vascular malformations to plan intricate surgical procedures like MRI and CT scans.

Learning About Intraoperative Imaging at Purple Heron

MRIs and CT scans offer invaluable preoperative insights in diagnosis and treatment planning. However, in cases of intraoperative imaging, it takes neurosurgery to unscaled heights by providing real time guidance to the surgeons during the surgery. High end technologies at Purple Heron, under the guidance of the best neurosurgeon in Jaipur utilize technologies like intraoperative MRI (iMRI) and intraoperative CT (iCT) scans which allows them to visualize the surgical site with exceptional precision. This high end technology ensures that the critical structures are preserved and lesions are respected during the surgery.  This enables surgeons to make better informed decisions during the surgery. These state of the art imaging techniques at Purple Heron decreases the chances of any complications and enhances the likelihood of a successful surgery result.

Functional MRI and Diffusion Tensor Imaging

Other than anatomical imaging, technologies like functional MRI (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) provides insights on the functional connectivity of the brain as well as the integrity of white matter tracts. For instance, fMRI measures the changes in blood flow to identify the regions of the brain associated with specific tasks or functions. This helps surgeons avoid any critical areas during the surgery. While on the other hand, DTI maps the pathway of white matter tracts. This helps in guiding surgical approaches while minimizing the risk of postoperative defects. These two imaging techniques empower the neurosurgeons of Purple heron to navigate the intricate neural network of the brain and work during the surgery to avoid any future defects by ensuring precision and accuracy.

Revolutionising Treatment with Stereotactic Navigation and Robotics @ Purple Heron Hospital

So, the other technological advancement that has changed the face of neurosurgery at Purple Heron, the best neurology hospital in Jaipur is stereotactic navigation and robotics. These high end technological advancements introduced at Purple Heron have enhanced the accuracy in neurosurgery while also reducing invasiveness. Stereotactic navigation technology utilizes preoperative data to create 3D maps of the brain of the patient. This allows surgeons to focus on the targeted lesions and find complex anatomical structures with better accuracy. On the other hand, robotic assisted surgery provides enhanced agility and control. This enables the best neurosurgeons at Purple Heron to perform even the most intricate and delicate procedures with great ease and efficiency.

Looking Forward to the Future of Advanced Imaging in Neurosurgery

The medical world continues to evolve along with the technological world. We can’t help but wonder what lies in store for the medicine in the future. Technology in healthcare continues to evolve at a rapid pace and the future of advanced imaging holds countless possibilities. Technology in healthcare marks its milestones with the development of novel imaging mociutes to the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with machine learning algorithms. This also marks a journey towards safer, more efficient and precise neurosurgical interventions powered by innovation. Purple Heron believes that as we move forward into the future, it is certain that advanced imaging technology will continue to be at the forefront of neurological excellence guiding the neurosurgeons of Purple Heron as they navigate the intricate and complex landscape of human brain and spine.

We are a team of the best neurosurgeon in Jaipur along with microsurgeons and healthcare providers who utilize world class technologies to ensure finest care for our patients. Thus we have introduced advanced imaging technology that acts as a window to the intricate working of the human brain and spine. Our advanced imaging modalities empower our neurosurgeons to deliver precise, efficient and personalised care to the patients. From preoperative planning to intraoperative guidance, these high end imaging modalities are the perfect guidance for the surgeons. These technologies are the backbone of modern surgical practices helping surgeons to ensure exceptional outcomes while shaping the future of surgery, patient care and innovation in the field of neurosurgery at Purple Heron.



Surgery is Not The Only Option: Three Treatment Options Beyond Surgery To Treat Your Spine And Joint Conditions.

In the journey towards treating joint and spine conditions and alleviating the pain, it may seem like surgery is the sole solution. However, Purple Heron, the best rehabilitation centre in India where you can find the right treatment for all your joint and spine related conditions. Purple Heron believes that when it comes to spine and joint, surgery may seem like the only option but the hospital offers diverse non surgical treatments that support your joint health. Our uniquely tailored approach with non surgical treatment options addresses all kinds of spine and joint tissues effectively. So, why not dig into the three alternative treatment options available at Purple Heron Hospital.

Physical Therapy For Stiff Joints & Rehabilitation in India

For management of conditions related to spine and joint, physical therapies are one of the most effective and restorative measures. Physical therapies stand as a cornerstone in the management of joint conditions. Thus, the skilled and very experienced physiotherapists of Purple Heron Hospital work closely with the patients to plan and develop personalised exercise regimens. These exercise plans are aimed towards improving strength, flexibility, as well as mobility in patients with joint and spine conditions. Utilising the targeted exercises along with manual therapy techniques, physical therapy helps to reduce pain in joints along with enhancing joint function and mobility. These targeted exercises also strengthen the joints that help prevent future injuries.

Also, the physiotherapy sessions at Purple Heron Hospital under the guidance of the best orthopaedic doctor in Jaipur  focuses on educating patients about posture correction as well as body mechanics and ergonomic principles. The right information empowers our patients to take better care of their joints and empowers them to take an active role in their recovery journey.

Interventional Pain Management

Well, when it comes to joint care, there is no fixed size that fits all. Different patients with different conditions need different care. Thus, one of the minimally invasive techniques to manage pain and discomfort in spine and joint conditions is interventional pain management techniques. At Purple Heron Hospital, we work with expert pain management specialists who undertake different procedures and techniques to mitigate joint and spine discomfort. Procedures like epidural steroid injections, facet joint injections, and radiofrequency techniques that target the joints and work to alleviate pain at its source. These procedures are aimed towards reducing the inflammation, block pain signals, as well as promote healing which provides patients with long lasting relief from joint pain and discomfort. Every procedure done here at Purple Heron is done with utmost consideration to patient safety and comfort. Every pain management intervention here is performed under the guidance of the best joint pain doctor in Jaipur  which ensures optimal outcomes along with minimal downtime.

Regenerative Medicine

If you are looking for promising outcomes for your joint condition, regenerative medicine is for you. It offers promising avenues for healing and tissue repair without the need of any kind of invasive surgery. At Purple Heron, we utilise the power of regenerative therapies to address spine and joint conditions. We try to help the body’s inherent mechanism to heal itself by supplementing it with external aids like bone marrow, derived progenitor cells,  etc. These procedures stimulate tissue regeneration and accelerate healing. These innovative and non-invasive procedures offer a safe, non surgical approach to managing spine and joint conditions allowing patients to experience improved function, mobility, as well as better quality of life.

At Purple Heron Hospital, we understand and prioritise patient centred care and strive to offer comprehensive solutions for all kinds of joints and spine concerns. Our uniquely tailored solutions as per the patient requirements takes care of everything. Our multidisciplinary team of the best orthopaedics, surgeons, as well as healthcare professionals collaborate and work closely to craft personalised treatment plans that address diverse spine and joint conditions effectively. Our non surgical options are focused on quick healing and recovery. We empower and support our patients to explore diverse treatment options when it comes to joint health. These non surgical options prove that surgery is not the only option for joint care ensuring optimal outcomes and enhanced quality of life of the patients.

If you are someone suffering with joint of spine discomfort, don’t let the idea of surgery hold you back from seeking care. We ensure you proper healing and care without surgery. We as the best rehabilitation centre in India  are here for you. Contact us today and explore different non surgical options to ensure a pain free and active lifestyle.



Understanding Hand Injuries And The Treatment Options At Purple Heron Hospital

Having hand injuries can be very impairing as it impacts the ability of an individual to perform everyday tasks efficiently. This inturn affects the overall quality of the life of an individual. Purple Heron Hospital, best hand surgery hospital in Jaipur understands the impacts of hand injury in lives of people suffering thus offers effective and reliable treatment options that helps restore functionality. Thus, this article is going to be a run through for all the different treatment options that we offer at Purple Heron for hand injuries. Our treatment options are planned to help you navigate your journey towards normalcy and confidence with hand injuries.

Learning About Hand Injuries

Well, before we dig into the various treatment options for hand injuries, we need to understand what different types of hand injuries someone might have. Injuries related to the hand can be categorized into fractures, dislocations, as well as tendon and nerve injuries. Each of these conditions required a personalized and tailored approach to ensure comprehensive recovery and effective outcomes. At Purple Heron Hospital, we work with a team of specialists who are equipped to diagnose and treat a range of hand injuries. Our team is experienced to offer comprehensive treatment and care for a diverse range of hand injuries. From initial assessment to post-operative rehabilitation, our expert team takes care of everything with great efficiency.

Treatment Procedures at Purple Heron Hospital

Accurate Diagnosis

The first step to treating any kind of injury is proper assessment and diagnosis. Our experienced surgeons, healthcare providers under the guidance of the best hand surgery doctor in Jaipur work together to perform thorough physical examinations utilising advanced imaging techniques. This helps establish the extent of injury and plan personalised treatment procedures tailored according to the unique health needs of each patient.

Surgical Intervention

For more complicated and severe hand injury cases, surgical interventions might be required to restore functionality and reduce pain. At Purple Heron Hospital, we cater to a range of hand surgery cases with our well-equipped and state of the art operating facilities with advanced technologies Our team of skilled and proficient surgeons are equipped to treat a range of complexities, from fractures and tendon repair to nerve reconstruction with great efficiency.

Rehabilitation and Recovery

After the surgery, rehabilitation and proper recovery plays an important role to restore functionality and mobility of the hand. Thus, our committed rehabilitation team works closely with each patient to develop personalized exercise programs that are aimed towards strengthening the muscles, improving mobility and promoting overall hand recovery.

Post-operative Management

At Purple Heron Hospital, the best hand injury hospital in Jaipur, we prioritize post-operative care to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients. Our team of rehabilitation care takes care of everything, from wound care and pain management to physical therapy and follow up appointments; they provide the support and care. Our team helps ensure the best possible outcome throughout the recovery process while guiding our patients every step in the way.

Why Choose Purple Heron Hospital?

Without a doubt, Purple Heron Hospital stands as a center for hope and recovery for patients suffering from hand injuries. As one of pioneers of microsurgery in India and a premier destination for hand injury treatment, the hospital never fails to offer the most reliable treatment. We offer unparalleled expertise with high end technologies and facilities combined with compassionate care. So, if your question is, why Purple Heron, let us answer that for you!

●       Skilled Surgical Team: Our team comprises the best micro surgeon doctors in India along with highly skilled and expert healthcare providers who are specialized to treat a range of hand injuries.

●       Comprehensive Care: When it comes to treatment, we offer a comprehensive approach that revolves around proper diagnosis to complete rehabilitation, tailored according to each patient’s unique requirements.

●       Advanced Technology: Purple Heron Hospital is a hospital specialized to treat a variety of conditions and is equipped with high end technologies and surgical techniques that ensures optimal outcomes for our patients.

●       Patient-Centred Approach: The one factor that holds utmost importance for us as a team is our patient’s complete satisfaction. Thus, as a team we follow a patient centric approach and personalized attention and support that ensure comprehensive well-being of our patients throughout the journey.


We understand that hand injuries can be challenging as they interfere with the daily lives of an individual and degrade the quality of life. Thus, as the best hand injury hospital in Jaipur, we are committed towards providing the right treatment and support along with exceptional care for our patients. We help the patients regain functionality and improve the quality of life. Thus, if you are someone with hand injury or know someone with hand surgery seeking the right treatment and care, Purple Heron is where you will find the most reliable and expert care. We will not just help you regain functionally and treat injury but also guide you to improve the quality of life.



The Physiological Impacts of Reconstructive Surgeries and How They Unfold a Powerful Narrative For Acid Attack Survivors

In the haunting aftermath of acid attacks, the scars tell the stories of unimaginable pain, suffering, and cruelty. Purple Heron stands as a hope for those who have endured the cruel depths of acid attack brutality. These acid attacks not just leave physical scars but physiological impacts as well with these kinds of heinous acts. Purple Heron, the best hospital for burn in Rajasthan offers surgical interventions where resilience combines with reconstructive brilliance.

At Purple Heron, we are committed to offering a holistic approach to reconstructive surgeries; our treatment goes beyond physical scars. We understand and recognize the profound connection between physical and emotional well-being of acid attack survivors and offer procedures that help reclaim not just exterior but their emotional well-being as well. Let’s understand how we enlighten the path from pain to empowerment as our reconstructive surgeries become an important chapter in the journey of acid attack survivors.

Purple Heron stands its ground as India’s one of the finest among the very few centres specializing in reconstructive surgeries. Our team of experts and experienced doctors and microsurgeons offer surgical interventions that help restore physical aspects of the body while our healthcare support team helps you through the journey with their compassionate care. We offer comprehensive care while combining empathetic support with advanced treatment procedures.

Understanding the Physiological Toll of Acid Attacks

We understand that acid attacks inflict deep physical as well as emotional scars on those who survived. They carry both visible and invisible wounds. At Purple Heron, the centre for best micro and reconstructive surgery in India, we acknowledge the challenges faced by survivors and offer treatment procedures that help unfold a powerful narrative of resilience and renewal for them. Our reconstructive surgeries address the visible scars and our holistic approach to healing addresses the unseen physiological impacts to ensure a holistic healing of every survivor.

Personalized Care Plans At Purple Heron

At Purple Heron, we understand that every survivor is different with different reflections of treatment required. Thus, as a team of the finest surgeons and healthcare providers, we are committed to personalized care with our uniquely tailored treatment plans. Our microsurgeons meticulously assess individual cases, consider the extent of injuries, functional impairments, and emotional well-being of each survivor. After thorough analysis, they craft a personalized approach that ensures that every reconstructive procedure done at Purple Heron is a sure shot step towards reclaiming a sense of normalcy for the survivors.

Treatment Procedures at Purple Heron

At Purple Heron, the best hospital for burn in Rajasthan, we employ state of the art treatment procedures and technologies combined to offer reconstructive surgeries that go beyond aesthetics. We are committed to restoring the functionality, aesthetics, and getting closer to normalcy for our brave acid attack survivors. In most cases, acid attacks result in severe damages to facial features along with functionality. Our surgeons use high end technologies and advanced techniques like tissue grafting and microsurgery to restore the physical appearance as well as the vital functions such as vision, breathing, and facial mobility.

Comprehensive Rehabilitation

Healing in cases of acid attacks goes way beyond the walls of operating rooms. Purple Heron as one of the finest and pioneers of microsurgical procedures in India integrate both surgical interventions and comprehensive healing and rehabilitation into the treatment journey of acid attack survivors. Our expert team for rehabilitation collaborates with the acid attack survivors, helping them restore their normalcy. They focus on regaining strength, mobility, and adapting to functional changes. This holistic approach to healing ensures a smoother transition for survivors post-surgery.

Emotional Well-being of Acid Attack Survivors

Purple Heron, the best micro and reconstructive surgery in India, acknowledges the interconnectedness of physical and emotional well-being of acid attack survivors. We prioritise mental health support for the survivors. Along with surgical interventions, we also offer counselling and holistic support to help the survivors with their emotional healing. Our understanding that wellbeing goes beyond physical aspects helps us offer a holistic approach to recovery, helping the survivors in their overall healing process.

Purple Heron, India’s Best Centre For Acid Attack Reconstructive Surgery

Quite evidently, comprehensive reconstructive surgery centres in India are quite scarce. In such a scenario, a name that has outshined as a bearer of hope for acid attack survivors is indeed the Purple Heron Hospital, located in Jaipur Rajasthan. We are committed to excellence offering you holistic treatment coupled with compassionate approach and expertise. Our brilliance in reconstructive surgeries positions us among the very few centres in India that are equipped to address the intricate needs of acid attack survivors. At Purple Heron, we not just perform surgeries but also support and accompany survivors on the transformative journey towards renewal and healing.

Reconstruction to Empowerment  With You Every Minute

We know that the physiological impacts of acid attacks are quite profound on the minds of survivors but we also believe that so is the potential for renewal and healing. Purple Heron Hospital, the best hospital for burn in Rajasthan, stands as a testament of transformative power of reconstructive surgeries. As we unravel the physiological complexities of acid attacks, we also contribute to empowering the survivors, helping them write their story of triumph and healing. Purple Heron is committed to helping survivors heal holistically beyond surgery. We help survivors rebuild their lives and foster resilience in the face of profound adversity.